Sen. Hirono Asks Judge Barrett If She’s Ever Sexually Assaulted Someone

Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono recently sparked social media outrage when asking Judge Amy Coney Barrett during her hearing if she had ever sexually assaulted someone. This issue came up quite a bit during Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing but had yet to surface for Barrett until now.  Kavanaugh’s 2018 confirmation process was marked by multiple allegations of misconduct, specifically from...

Pelosi’s Recent Meltdown On CNN

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is really running out of reasons why she hasn’t secured a deal for coronavirus relief for the American people. But hey, she’s got all of the excuses under the sun pretty secured. She recently butt heads with CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer who asked why there have been so many failed negotiations between Republicans and Democrats...

Trump Tested Negative For COVID-19 Multiple Times

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany recently posted a statement from physician Dr. Sean Conley about President Trump’s recent coronavirus diagnosis on Twitter. "In response to your inquiry regarding the President's most recent COVID-19 tests, I can share with you that he has tested NEGATIVE, on conservative days, using the Abbott BinaxNOW antigen card,” the statement reads. Dr. Conley also...

Barrett’s Recent Statement Rattles The Left

Judge Amy Coney Barrett recently released her remarks regarding the Supreme Court nomination hearings and people are not happy…of course. The hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin on Monday under Chairman Graham, Ranking Member Feinstein, and Members of the Committee.  Barrett began the letter by first thanking the President, Senator Young, members of the committee, and her family...

Harris Owned By Mike Pence, Media Blames ‘Mansplaining’

Vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris got owned during the first debate against vice president Mike Pence. It was a sight for sore eyes. Between her grimacing, cackling, and making faces most of the night, voters found Harris to be condescending and arrogant.  Pence clearly won the debate performance of the entire political season so far, but some are making excuses...

70% of Portland Riot Charges Dropped By Portland’s DA

In a recent online tracking dashboard, the Multnomah District Attorney’s office has declined to file charges in nearly 70% of the Portland protest-related cases. The Portland Police had referred almost 1,000 cases to prosecutors who have so far fielded 974 criminal cases against people in the ongoing riots.  The prosecutors dropped 666 of them without filing charges, issued charges in...

The Dumbest Thing Joe Biden Just Said About Police Reform

We shouldn’t be surprised by what Joe Biden says these days, but some of the positions he’s taken just don’t make any sense. It’s clearly a push from the radical left and he’s just mindlessly repeating the lines being fed to him. Anything for a couple more votes, right? Just a few days ago, Biden did an MSNBC Town Hall...

Just Another Fraudulent Mail-In Ballot Investigation

Time and time again, we’ve been warning people about mail-in ballots. The evidence just keeps stacking up against the Democrats each time voting fraud makes the news. This time was in New Jersey where a United States Postal Service letter carrier allegedly tossed more than 1,800 pieces of mail into dumpsters, including 99 election ballots. Nicholas Beauchene, 26, was arrested...

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Absurd Recommendation For Anti-Maskers

It seems like almost everyone is upset at how fast President Trump is recovering. He had tested positive for the coronavirus and spent three nights at the Walter Reed medical center before returning home at the White House. He landed on the South lawn and ascended a flight of stairs, turned to face the helicopter that dropped him off,...

Man Arrested For Pointing Gun At BLM Protesters

The Savannah Police Department recently arrested a man, 34-year-old Frederick James, on camera who was caught pulling a gun on protesters over the weekend.  A resident on the street who recorded the entire incident posted the video online and it went viral. James is seen driving around protesters in a dark pickup truck who were lying down on Bay Street...