Man Arrested For Pointing Gun At BLM Protesters


The Savannah Police Department recently arrested a man, 34-year-old Frederick James, on camera who was caught pulling a gun on protesters over the weekend. 

A resident on the street who recorded the entire incident posted the video online and it went viral. James is seen driving around protesters in a dark pickup truck who were lying down on Bay Street outside of Savannah City Hall, blocking traffic around 5:30 PM. The group was about 30-40 people, described as “Black Lives Matter Protesters”, who were angry about the Breonna Taylor case. They were planning on lying on the floor for eight minutes and 42 seconds, in solidarity of the George Floyd case. 

James is seen tossing a smoke grenade at the group. Some protesters got up and started hitting his truck, while others ran away from the scene. Someone even threw their bike at his vehicle. That’s when he got out of the truck with a gun in his hand, pointing it at the protesters. Protesters then cleared the scene quickly. 

In the video, James gets back In his vehicle and drives off. When officers arrived at the scene, the crowd had dispersed, but the driver, James, was soon located. He was charged with Aggravated Assault and Reckless Conduct. 

District 4 Alderman Nick Palumbo warned the City of Savannah that they need to work with the police to identify protest organizers. He shared that the city officials did not even know about the protest which is why there was no police presence.

This is not the first protest resulting in confrontation. Just last week in Oregon, there was a clash between Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters. A protest turned violent after one of the BLM protesters stole a Trump flag. The scene turned ugly as people got punched, tasered, and maced. At the same event, police were blocked by anti-racism protesters as the officials were trying to leave. 

The communication between officers and their cities have been defiled by the radical left. It’s been a tough few months for law enforcement officers and they need a Presidential candidate who believes in law and order…otherwise, what happens next?