Sen. Hirono Asks Judge Barrett If She’s Ever Sexually Assaulted Someone


Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono recently sparked social media outrage when asking Judge Amy Coney Barrett during her hearing if she had ever sexually assaulted someone. This issue came up quite a bit during Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing but had yet to surface for Barrett until now. 

Kavanaugh’s 2018 confirmation process was marked by multiple allegations of misconduct, specifically from Dr. Christina Blasey Ford who claimed he had attempted to sexually assault her at a party while he was a teenager. He denied all of the allegations and was confirmed with a vote of 50 to 48. 

While Sen. Hirono claims this is to ensure the fitness of nominees for a lifetime appointment to the federal bench, others found this inappropriate and insulting. Hirono did note that she asks those two questions of “all nominees” who come before committees on which she sits. This, however, was never asked to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and didn’t become a question for senators and representatives until after the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. 

The first question was asking Judge Barrett if she had ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any physical or verbal harassment or assault of a sexual nature since becoming a legal adult. The second question Sen. Hirono asked was if she had ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct. Judge Barrett replied “No, Senator” to both questions. 

People took to Twitter expressing their disappointment and embarrassment over Sen. Hirono’s questions in front of Barrett’s kids. The Host of ‘Grow Up Live,’ Robby Starbuck, had quite a bit to say about the entire performance. 

“Here’s resident Senate lunatic, Mazie Hirono asking Amy Coney Barrett “Have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors… or committed assault of a sexual nature?”Amy’s kids just watched their Mom get asked if she’s a rapist. Pure evil,” Starbuck tweeted. 

Amy Coney Barrett proved to be a woman of true grit. She knew more about the law than the ones drilling her and used her grace and intellect as tools to handle questions flying from the far-left politicians.  

Sen. Hirono’s questions were unprofessional and downright shameful, but it’s not a tone of surprise. She had already publicly admitted, before the beginning of the confirmation hearing, that she would not support the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett and would fight to deny her a lifetime position. It’s pretty terrible to see a person who has a seat on the United States Supreme Court already make up their mind before hearing or questioning the nominee. 

But hey, what else could we expect from the radical left?