The Same Trick The Nazi’s Used…

Former Vice President Joe Biden recently said 10 to 15 percent of Americans are just “not very good people” during a virtual town hall on race.  “Do we really think that this is as good as we can be as a nation? I don’t think the vast majority of people think that. There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15...

Abandoning The Masks And Denouncing The Pandemic

“The projections made about coronavirus were wrong.” We’re starting to hear this time and time again. Now, nobody is saying the elderly weren’t at risk or there wasn’t a disease, but the fear instilled in the American People and the way the economy collapsed the way it did…definitely wasn’t necessary. If Democrat-led states had protected their elderly instead of forcing...

Is Joe Biden Digging Into Your Wallet?

The death of George Floyd has sparked numerous protests nationwide. Radical anarchists groups have used the situation to spread violence, destruction, and chaos. President Trump’s campaign has been working hard to restore order and rebuilt what was lost, while Joe Biden’s campaign has been subtly cashing in.  Many of the violence is subsiding, no thanks to Democrat leaders. President Trump...

What Happened To The Deathly CoronaVirus?

Ten days before the death of George Floyd, Americans were overwhelmed with social distancing, wearing masks, temperature checks, and obeying lockdown orders in the fight against COVID-19. My, how things have changed in a few short days.  The precautions to avoid the spread of COVID-19 have been conveniently overlooked as tens of thousands of people gathered in very tight quarters,...

This Violent Story Turned Out To Be Fake

Following days of violent riots and looting in cities across the country, Washington, D.C., has announced a 7PM curfew, about the same time President Donald Trump addressed the nation from the Rose Garden then walked through Lafayette Park to St. John’s Episcopal Church, which rioters had set on fire the night before.  The speech returned the conversation to rule of...

Biden’s Solution To Police Brutality Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Joe Biden has recently come out to say that police under attack in the line of duty should shoot their assailants “in the leg instead of the heart” as a way to avert the killing of civilians.  “Instead of standing there and teaching a cop, when there’s an unarmed person coming at them with a knife or something, you shot...

A Life Savings Burned To The Ground

More than 170 businesses have been looted or completely destroyed during the riots in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Area. While videos surfaced of large nationwide chains being set on fire and ravaged, smaller businesses were also destroyed too. The Scores Sports Bar in Minneapolis was one African American man’s dream enterprise. It was never given the chance to flourish after...

Time To Bail Out The White Supremacists…Apparently

The claims are getting more and more absurd from the Left. MSNBC’s Joy Reid is not spreading the claim that white supremacists were behind the riots in Minneapolis. Disregard the fact you see locals and radical leftists rioting and looting, Reid’s apparently got the real scoop and apparently so does CNN’s Josh Campbell. Josh Campbell recently tweeted the following: “Minnesota...

An Unconstitutional Move By The Left To Upend 200 Years Of Precedent

An additional 140 House Republicans have joined a recent lawsuit filed earlier this week against Speaker Nancy Pelosi over new rules in the lower chamber allowing for proxy voting. The suit was originally filed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy joined by 20 GOP lawmakers and four constituents. These sweeping rule changes would upend more than 200 years of precedent...

The Comedy Channel Is More Credible Than MSNBC These Days

A court decision came in where a judge dismissed a lawsuit brought against MSNBC personality Rachel Maddow. The $10 million suit was a defamation case where Maddow slandered the network One America News and declared it an outlet of “paid Russian propaganda.” Her comment about OAN claims that the most obsequiously pro-Trump right-wing news outlets in America are literally...