Is Joe Biden Digging Into Your Wallet?


The death of George Floyd has sparked numerous protests nationwide. Radical anarchists groups have used the situation to spread violence, destruction, and chaos. President Trump’s campaign has been working hard to restore order and rebuilt what was lost, while Joe Biden’s campaign has been subtly cashing in. 

Many of the violence is subsiding, no thanks to Democrat leaders. President Trump was forced to activate the National Guard for those who are disgracing George Floyd’s memory. In addition to his restoration of peace, Trump’s campaign is also working endlessly to help those harmed by these riots. Many campaign staff members have already helped donate to those businesses who lost everything from the rioters. 

Meanwhile, Joe Biden sees this as a golden opportunity to get supporters to shell out more money. His campaign has sent out emails discussing George Floyd and those who died with COVID-19. He echoed Floyd’s last words “I can’t breathe” to ask for more money in order to oust Trump this November. The email included a donor link. 

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted out about all of this: “The Joe Biden Campaign is shamelessly fundraising off of the death of George Floyd. People are still grieving and Joe’s using this awful tragedy to line the pockets of his campaign. Not right…but also not surprising!”

By repeating George Floyd’s last words in a propaganda email, Biden is manipulating his readers emotions and suggesting that his death wouldn’t have happened if Trump wasn’t president. This email also condemns the violence and looting going on during these “protests” but we haven’t heard anything else consistent with that message from the campaign or Biden himself. 

Only in a small fundraising email does this show a massive contradiction to the same campaign staffers who have personally donated to bail out rioters. If they are so upset that black-owned businesses are being destroyed, why would they help get those same people who destroyed them released?

Like most Democrats, Biden says one thing and does another. The compassionate anti-violence emails are just to ransack your wallets, while the donating aspects of his campaign clearly support the rioters. Cashing in on George Floyd’s death proves that, once again, Liberals will use death and misery as an opportunity to push their own political agenda.