Whitmer Says If You Want To Go To Church Then Vote For Biden


When Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer isn’t accusing President Trump of being complicit with hate groups and helping plot her kidnapping, she’s saying that lockdowns are an excuse to vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. 

Gov. Whitmer was on Sunday’s “Meet The Press” with Chuck Todd where she related many aspects of the pandemic restrictions to Election Day. 

“If you’re tired of lockdowns, or you’re tired of wearing masks, or you wish you were in church this morning or watching college football or your kids were in-person instruction, it is time for change in this country, and that’s why we’ve got to elect Joe Biden,” said Whitmer.

She went on to accuse the President of having the worst response to the virus in the world, leaving eight million people to contract COVID-19 and 220,000 dead. That’s when the Governor used her political pressure on national television to advocate that people should vote left. That’s all we have to do? Elect Biden and the lockdowns will magically lift? Something seems sketchy here. 

During the interview, Gov. Whitmer also accused the President of inciting “domestic terrorism” after a rally in Muskegon where Trump urged supporters to push Whitmer in reopening her state following COVID-19 restrictions. The crowd started chanting “lock her up,” in which Trump added, “lock ‘em all up.” Many Democrats claimed this was a threat to the Governor and accused him of injecting fear tactics.

“He wasn’t doing anything, I don’t think, to provoke people to threaten this woman at all. He was having fun at a Trump rally, and, quite frankly, there are bigger issues than this right now for everyday Americans,” said Lara Trump, the President’s daughter-in-law and a senior campaign advisor. 

Other Twitter users also found the Whitmer interview full of voter intimidation and hard to believe. Gov. Whitmer had proposed an ultimatum while holding people hostage to lockdown restrictions, but she wants to call President Trump a dictator?

“So is she basically admitting that they are ‘punishing us” unless we vote for Biden? That’s what it sounds like to me. I would rather be locked down for the next 4 years than put a criminal who sells out America with our tax dollars into office. No thanks,” one tweeted. 

The interview was shortly after the Supreme Court ruled the Governor’s executive orders on the coronavirus unconstitutional and a group was arrested for trying to kidnap her and overthrow the state government. Not many people are happy with Gov. Whitmer and this won’t be the last time we hear from her.