Psaki Blames The Recent Crime Wave On Lack Of Gun Control…What?


Over the last year, crime in democrat-run cities has gone through the roof. But instead of promoting law and order in America’s great cities, leaders have defunded the police, got rid of cash bail, and nearly stopped all prosecuting most crimes. But when White House press secretary Jen Psaki was recently asked about the spike in violent crime, it’s clear that the Biden Administration has a different take on things. Go figure.

“Well, I would say, certainly, there is a guns problem. And that’s one of the reasons that we have proposed and now are implementing funding for community violence prevention programs across the country,” Psaki said.

Instead of blaming the cities that blatantly support criminals, Psaki blames the lack of gun control and the easing of coronavirus restrictions for the rising in crime. “Community violence?” Interesting choice of words.

It is also concerning in regards to the Second Amendment. President Joe Biden’s nominee for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, David Chipman, will also be testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding a confirmation. He has a history of vilifying law-abiding firearms owners and promoting gun control policies.

National Shooting Sports Foundation Senior Vice President of Government & Public Affairs Larry Keane said that there isn’t a “worse possible nominee” for the ATF nomination. He said that President Biden’s primary qualifications for the job are someone who “must hate guns” and “belittle those who buy guns.”

“The nomination of Chipman is a troubling reversal of years of pro-active safety cooperation between ATF and our industry.  It is an undeniable targeting of a Constitutionally protected industry by President Biden who called us “the enemy,” Keane said.

Biden has been insisting that the Senate consider two House-passed bills that would impose stricter requirements on people hoping to buy a gun. The House has not passed a bill on banning assault weapons and will face strong opposition in the Senate. Sen. Lindsey Graham said that he has not been more worried about an attack on the Second Amendment as he is right now.

“One of the things about our Constitution is that we understood early on that if you live in a dictatorship, or in places where the government runs everything, the first thing they take away from you is not just your speech, but your ability to defend yourself. That’s why the Second Amendment exists. The ability to own a gun responsibly is a constitutional right in America, and here’s what I would say: we need that right today, as much as any other time in American history,” Graham said.

Biden has also ordered the Justice Department to draft rules targeting the “proliferation of ghost guns” and to make clear that a stabilizing brace turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle.

But according to Psaki, “community violence” is from a gun problem and not a crime problem. She even revealed a questionable statistic during the press conference, but I’m sure nobody bothered to fact-check it. Even if someone did and Psaki was called out on it, she would just circle back.

“Between mass shootings, mass shootings that get a lot of attention, that we lower the flags, there are hundreds of thousands of people who lose their lives. And that’s one of the reasons the president will continue to advocate for the Senate passing universal background checks but also advocate for actions in states where we have seen the greatest level of activism over the past several years,” Psaki said.

So anti-gun activism and “community violence’ are acceptable, but law-abiding gun owners cannot have the right to keep and bear arms? Sounds pretty unconstitutional to me. According to the radical left, the spike in crime is due to a lack of gun control. If it’s not gun control, it’s racism, the environment, Trump, or something else. Never personal accountability.