Perdue Vows To Focus On Crime In Georgia


Former Sen. David Perdue hosted a press conference on the topic of crime. It was held the same day as Republican Governor. Brian Kemp has signed the crucial Second Amendment legislation.

Perdue’s comments on crime were made just hours before Kemp signed Georgia’s new Constitution Carry Law. This law allows law-abiding Georgians firearms without the need for a permit.

In a heated primary election for the governorship, Kemp is being challenged by the former senator. He highlighted issues that he felt contributed towards crime during his press conference, including Buckhead cityhood legislation and illegal migration. A state patrol, he stated, has “been lead to deteriorate.”

Perdue stated that he was shocked that Buckhead residents were not allowed to vote. Perdue had introduced legislation that would have allowed Buckhead residents to vote by ballot on whether Buckhead should be its own city and have its own police department.

Perdue used Atlanta crime statistics to say that “crime is out of control.” People want to control their safety.

According to data from the Atlanta Police Department, homicide and rape incidents have increased by 43 percent and 39%, respectively, over last year. According to the same data, aggravated assaults decreased by 1% while property crimes decreased by 4%.

Perdue claimed that illegal migration is another factor contributing to the rise in crime rates. Perdue claimed that Georgia’s illegal migrant population has “exploded” under Kemp and now surpasses Arizona. Perdue said Georgia was like Florida where the governor. Ron DeSantis led numerous efforts to stop illegal immigration, which has increased in the U.S. due to the Biden administration’s open-borders policy.

Perdue stated that Georgia’s State Police was a problem and said “We have to get our State Patrol back at the elite level it always has.” It’s been led to decline by a lack leadership from the governor’s offices in the past three years, in my opinion.

Perdue reiterated Kemp’s words later in the conference: “Let the State Patrol deteriorate.” You can talk to anyone in uniform right now. It’s because there isn’t enough leadership. It isn’t the elite group it was. Growing up in Georgia, that was the dream of all county sheriffs deputies. They wanted to be a State Patrol. This must be rebuilt.”

Kemp’s campaign was forced to respond to Perdue’s State Patrol remarks Tuesday afternoon. The statement also listed arrests, citations and other statistics from Perdue’s Crime Suppression Unit which was established by the Kemp administration 2021 to combat crime waves.

“The Georgia State Patrol’s heroic men and women set the bar for excellence, integrity, and dedicated service to law enforcement agencies. Cody Hall, a Kemp campaign spokesperson stated that it was. “It is dangerous and unprofessional for David Perdue, to suggest otherwise to gain political points during campaign season.”

Hall said, “If Perdue wishes to attack law enforcement he should switch primaries to run to the left Stacey Abrams,” referring to the Democrat gubernatorial nominee the winner of the May 24, Republican primary will face during the general election.