Nancy Pelosi May Rename Biden’s Stalled Build Back Better Package To Pass Before Midterms


Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker (D-CA), told reporters on Thursday that President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion Build Back Better package was still in limbo. She suggested that the “chunks of” the legislation could be renamed to make sure it passes before the 2022 midterms.

Pelosi admitted that she may have to rename the package in order to accommodate Biden’s idea that the package should instead be passed in “chunks” rather than one lump sum.

Pelosi stated that “Chunks” was an interesting word in reference to Wednesday’s comments by Biden. “What the president refers to as “chunks” I hope it would be a major bill moving forward. Although it may be less significant, it is still important.

Reports have shown that Democrats must pass big money items to stop Republicans from winning the November midterms.

Pelosi stressed that the Build Back Better bill was a reconciliation package. It is therefore subject to certain procedural restrictions that exceed the threshold of 60 Senate vote. These fast-tracking procedural restrictions only allow items that have an impact on the fiscal budget.

She explained that “this is a reconciliation bill.” “So, when people say, “Let’s split it up,” they don’t get the concept.”

Pelosi stated that funding for global warming and free Pre-K would work in a smaller reconciliation “chunk.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D.WV) would support these measures, a vote which is needed in a 50/50 Senate.

Democrats indicated that they will continue to push for large spending items in order to mobilize their base and win the midterm elections.

According to the establishment media, Senate Democrats could also attempt to pass another $68 billion stimulus package. According to reports, Senate Republicans from the Establishment are working together with Democrats on this matter.

With momentum, Republicans are advancing into the midterms. Recent months have been a good month for Republicans thanks to redistricting and Democrat resignations as well as Biden’s failed legislative agenda.

Biden’s radical agenda will not be realized if Republicans win the Senate or the House in November.