How To Get Caught


Last week, President Donald Trump took it upon himself to stop the Democrats from denying Americans relief. They had been refusing to negotiate with the White House and Senate Republicans, asking for trillions more in aid. 

Democrats such as Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer have been obstructing progress as they spend even more time attempting to require all states to have mail-in voting, among other corrupt voting practices. They have also proposed an extension to extend monetary relief to illegal aliens and the early release of convicted felons. None of these things have to do with the stimulus for the economy.

Because of this, millions of American families have suffered and the President felt it necessary to take decisive action to sign the Executive Order extending certain coronavirus relief funding and restrictions. 

The executive order passed includes suspending payroll tax for those making less than $100,000, continuing the moratorium on evictions, extending unemployment benefits at a rate of $400/week, and deferring student loan payments. They provide tremendous help to Americans, encourage the return to work, and encourage employers to hire more workers.

Challenging these orders would look very bad as it would be denying Americans relief. So how is the left going to twist it all so that they hold Americans hostage for their agenda? Even though Trump is providing unemployment to Americans affected by the pandemic, we know they will find a way to make it look diabolical. That’s where Joe Biden comes in. 

Joe Biden takes to Twitter to blatantly lie. “Donald Trump said that if he’s re-elected, he’ll defund Social Security. We can’t let that happen,” he tweeted. 

Although Biden himself has touted the benefit of a payroll tax cut and Pelosi has called a payroll tax cut a “victory for all Americans” it suddenly doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. That isn’t at all what President Trump said either. He said he would be deferring the payroll tax through December. It puts money in the pockets now, money in the pockets of your employers, and retains your job. It can also help to hire other people too, creating more jobs for the economy. 

The executive order is for those under $100,000 so the Dems can’t twist it into one of their “big greedy corporate” schemes as always. 

Twitter users, such as GOP Rapid Response Director Steve Guest, also reminded others of Biden’s history with tax cuts. “Joe Biden, who personally negotiated Obama’s payroll tax cut legislation, repeatedly extolled the benefits of a payroll tax cut, writing in a 2011 op-ed that it was “just plain wrong” that it would threaten Social Security,” Guest tweeted. 

Other sources also included articles of how Biden dodged over $500,000 in payroll taxes. He doesn’t want to give Americans that relief, even though he managed to avoid paying it himself. There are also articles and video clips dating back to as early as 1995 of Biden calling for cuts to social security.

When you’re as wishy-washy as Biden, the internet trail will bite everything you say.