The NSA Will Investigate Itself On Tucker Carlson Spying


The National Security Agency (NSA) recently announced that it will be conducting an investigation into whether or not the agency was inappropriately spying on Fox News host Tucker Carlson. While they did not specifically state that it was Carlson, the NSA made a reference to one of the members of the United States media.

The announcement was made shortly after Sen. Marco Rubio sent a letter to the Director of National Intelligence Avril D. Haines regarding the request for a “formal inquiry” into the allegations that Carlson’s communications were subject to the NSA. He asked for details on why Carlson’s identity being ‘unmasked’ was a component of their collection. The allegations are regarding whether or not the NSA spied on Tucker Carlson when he was attempting to schedule an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Rubio insisted that the reports need to be unmasked to see whether or not the NSA was spying on people as a political hammer or just out of curiosity. He said it is essential to highlight any misconduct in the agency and under Haine’s leadership.

After Carlson filed a Freedom of Information Act request, the NSA issued a statement denying Carlson as a “target” but did not mention whether or not they had spied on him or the show’s communications. Carlson called it a concern that there are whistleblowers within the U.S government attempting to monitor their electronic communications and take the show

Even House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called on the agency to investigate, adding that they must address the public reports that the NSA was spying on Fox News.

Inspector General Robert Storch made the NSA announcement regarding the spying of Tucker Carlson. He said they would review the allegations against members of the U.S news media.

“NSA’s compliance with applicable legal authorities and agency policies and procedures regarding the collection, analysis, reporting, and dissemination activities, including unmasking procedures, and whether any such actions were based upon improper consideration,” the AG reports.

Storch adds that if any circumstances warrant, then they will consider other issues that may arise during the review.

Fox News Host Mark Steyn points out how “by law” the NSA is supposed to keep the identities of American citizens concealed and that they can only be unmasked in extraordinary circumstances. He called it wildly alarming and misleading that the NSA would unmask Carlson or any journalist attempting to secure an interview. He said it raises serious questions about their activities, as well as their original denial.

Users pointed out how ironic it was that the NSA was going to be investigating themselves. One person asked if they need to define the term “conflict of interest.” At this point, there isn’t any trust left in the NSA, the FBI, or even the CIA. They have proven themselves to be political hacks for the liberal elites and the Carlson investigation just proves that. Knowing how the radical left operates, the investigation will last years and be released in a report that is 90% redacted. They’ll investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing beyond a reasonable doubt. Shocker.