Leaked White House Emails Reveal Their Plans To Reach Unvaccinated Kids Through Influencers & Tik Tok Stars


In an email posted by Newsmax’s Benny Johnson, the White House received an interesting opportunity from Village Marketing, an influencer marketing agency. Village Marketing has been pushing vaccinations among younger people and recently offered to send TikTok influencers to the White House for one-on-one calls with President Joe Biden’s medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. It’s hard to believe that the average high schooler would want their favorite vlogger hanging out with Fauci, but that’s definitely the kind of kind the campaign is targeting.

The emails emphasize that the White House needs to educate young people about the vaccine and grow awareness within the 12-25 age demo. The emails were marked “Confidential” and it is noted that they are not for public distribution. Never have we seen such government involvement in the personal lives of the American people.

Village Marketing was first featured on the front page of the New York Times in an article titled “To Fight Vaccine Lies, Authorities Recruit an Influencer Army.” that sent an email to the White House team about a “special opportunity.” They called on influencers to do 1×1 Zoom calls with Dr. Fauci and added that it would be a “great opportunity” for the White House with only a few available slots to fill.

One of the videos facing backlash includes social media influencer and comedian Benito Skinner, otherwise known as Benny Drama. He has been part of a digital initiative to push the vaccine-hesitant population to get vaccinated and recently played the role of a young White House intern named Kooper. The video shows a day in the life of “Kooper the Gen Z Intern” and even co-starred Jen Psaki.

It was called a “dumpster fire of a sketch” with all of its vaccine propaganda and at one point included Psaki lecturing Kooper about coming a “long way in our fight against this virus.” In the video, Psaki reiterates that they’ve vaccinated 160 million Americans so far, in which Kooper replies that they need to “get shots in the arms of every single American.” He even jokes about booking Psaki a nail appointment and telling her not to forget to have fun.

Besides the amount of money that the White House paid for the cringe performance, reporter Jack Posebiec tweeted that the White House PR people are “freaking out” and didn’t think those emails would get to anyone on the political right. They emphasized that all Tik Tokers are supposed to be “Gen Z/Millenial Left.” Could you imagine what would happen if the Trump Administration was reaching out to underage YouTubers and influencers to promote their political agenda? It would be a media firestorm.

Yet according to the left, it’s okay to hire private marketing companies to convince children to get vaccinated. This is at the top of their priority list while the country deals with a border crisis, kids that are falling behind in school, race issues, a war against law enforcement, rising inflation, and a labor shortage that rewards people for staying home instead of getting back into the workforce. The only thing the Biden Administration cares about is making people ‘woke’ and ensuring all Americans are jabbed with vaccines, especially those under the age of 18.