Sheriff Custer Fights Against Gov. Wolf’s Shutdowns


    On a Monday segment of “Fox & Friends,” Fayette County Sheriff James Custer sat down to discuss his switch in political affiliation.

    Sheriff James Custer explained that the Democrat’s radical switch to a socialist agenda is what drove him to the Republican Party. He no longer affiliated with the same ideas and agendas as his party. Sheriff Custer’s newfound loyalty to the GOP is helping citizens fight against Gov. Wolf’s draconian lockdowns and defending the right to exercise freedom of choice.

    “This is something I had been considering for several months. It probably started back when the pandemic started and the mandates coming down by the Democratic governors. As the sheriff, it is my duty as a constitutional sheriff, to protect and serve, uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States,” Custer said.

    The Sheriff argued that the government-mandated lockdowns were unconstitutional and he felt it was his job to protect the people’s rights and freedoms under the Constitution.

    Custer had publicly endorsed Donald Trump in the 2020 election after the radical left began embracing the “defund the police” movement.

    “Starting back from the George Floyd incident and all the civil unrest and the calls for ‘abolish the police,’ ‘defund the police’ that was part of factoring into my decision that, ‘Hey, this is not what I signed up for. And there’s plenty of people out there who are backing us, and that’s why I was one of 40 individual sheriffs in Pennsylvania to endorse President Trump as our law and order president,” Custer said.

    Democratic politicians also lashed out against the Black Lives Matter movement after the election, saying that their radical ideas had harmed their campaigns and lost “too many seats” during the congressional races. Even President-elect Joe Biden was caught on leaked audio saying that the movement “beat the living hell out of us across the country.” It’s always been a losing movement but the left wanted a few extra votes.

    Gov. Wolf issued new restrictions in Pennsylvania after positive coronavirus cases spiked throughout the state. He shut down specific businesses to “slow the spread.” and announced the three-week mandate this past weekend, which will remain in place until 8 a.m. Jan. 4. This includes a ban on all indoor dining, as well as closing gyms, theaters, and other indoor entertainment. Outdoor dining and takeout remain open. The new guidelines have also suspended youth and high school sports. Indoor gatherings can only have up to 10 people and outdoor gatherings up to 50 people.

    Gov. Wolf has continued to lose his credibility throughout the pandemic. Two lawsuits have been filed by Butler-based attorney Tom King who argues that the basis of these new health orders are unconstitutional.

    The two lawsuits were filed on behalf of Conley’s Water Park and the Butler Area School District. The first lawsuit argues that water park businesses do not have to close. According to CDC guidelines, the coronavirus does not spread in water. The second lawsuit argues that Gov. Wolf does not have the authority to make decisions on when school opens and closes, the school board does.

    The draconian shutdowns imposed by the radical left governors over a cold have destroyed thousands of businesses nationwide. People have had enough and are ready to open everything again.