Rep. Waters Blames Trump Lawsuits On Stalling Of COVID-19 Relief Bill


    Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters appeared on a recent MSNBC’s “The Reid Out” show with Joy Reid in which she made comments lashing out at Democrats who want to negotiate with Republicans on the latest coronavirus relief bill. She suggested that President Trump’s legal battles against 2020 election fraud is the reason why a relief bill has been stalled for so long.

    “We’re dealing with people who [are] willing to undermine their Democracy, people who have claimed to be patriots, people who don’t have any respect for the Constitution, and you expect us to be able to sit down with them, and for them to negotiate with us in good faith!” Waters said.

    Waters hasn’t had the best reputation with the American people. In 2004, the Los Angeles Times had reported that various members of the Waters family pocketed a total of more than $1 million over the course of eight years. These funds were obtained from businesses and campaigns in connection to the congresswoman. Waters also campaigned against Walmart moving into predominantly Black Inglewood for several years, delaying jobs and a place for residents to shop.

    Federal Election Commission records also indicate that Maxine’s daughter, Karen Waters, received a total of $240,000 from her mother’s 2019-20 election cycle. Maxine claimed that the payments were for “slate mailer services” and “office expenses” that her daughter provided for the campaign. She received scrutiny over her campaign finances and her daughter’s involvement in her reelection efforts.

    Waters defended her party’s position for stalling relief to Americans suffering from the economic effects of the draconian lockdowns. She hasn’t been the first Democrat to publicly admit this. Sen. Bernie Sanders also admitted to the Democrats walking away from a coronavirus bill that would provide relief for the American people.

    “Here was a proposal much much larger, Democrats are, ‘no that’s not good enough,’ and now we’re prepared to accept a proposal that has I think $350 billion dollars in new money?” Sanders asked during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper. He argued that Democrats were settling for less in the bipartisan proposal than they had when they stalled the Republican’s proposal before the election.

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, lashed out at CNN’s Manu Raju for suggesting that the Democrats were “suppressing” relief as an election tactic. She went on to admit that the biggest difference in the bills was that Joe Biden would be governing this time. “It was a decision, and it’s taking us to a place where we can do the right thing, without other, shall we say, considerations in the legislation that we don’t want,’ Pelosi said.

    Democrats are so far out of touch with reality and would rather blame a handful of election lawsuits than their own party for blocking financial aid to the American people. They shut down businesses, set curfews, told people to cancel their holiday plans, and still couldn’t pass a relief bill before the holidays. It was all a political strategy to get Biden in office and they are clearly admitting it now.