GOP Doctor Caucus Demands Fauci Apologize For Calling Senator A Moron


On Tuesday, the GOP Doctor Caucus wrote to Dr. Anthony Fauci asking him to publicly apologize for calling Sen. Roger Marshall (R.K.) a “moron” at last week’s Senate Health Committee hearing. Marshall was pressing the White House coronavirus advisor about Marshall’s financial disclosures.

Fauci, who is said to be the highest-paid federal employee, became visibly agitated after Marshall asked him about his finances.

Fauci stated, “I don’t understand why you’re asking me that question.” Marshall claimed Fauci’s financial disclosures had been made public. Fauci, however, said Marshall, that “big tech giants” were concealing Fauci’s finances. Fauci also stated that his office couldn’t locate Fauci’s financial disclosures.

“Why am I so ignorant?” Marshall stated that this is a major issue. Fauci was eventually caught on a hot mic saying, “What an idiot.” Jesus Christ.

Marshall sent Fauci later an official note requesting copies of his financial disclosures.

Although Fauci’s financial disclosures can technically be accessed by anyone who asks, they are not available in an easily-accessible public database. It can take several months to fulfill a request.

“As health-care providers, we understand that this pandemic imposes a strain on all people, especially medical personnel,” the legislators wrote in the letter. They added, “A physician especially in a leadership position at the national level who doesn’t respect diversity — including diversity of opinion — is a poor reflection on our profession.”

Although lawmakers admitted that congressional hearings can sometimes be difficult, they called Fauci’s behavior “extremely unprofessional” and “uncalled for.”

“Dr. Marshall is a highly qualified doctor and highly respected,” they wrote.

According to the GOP doctor, Fauci’s behavior “undermines Americans’ trust in doctors.”

“We, the GOP Doctors Caucus are asking you to publicly apologize to Dr. Marshall,” they wrote. They also stated that divisiveness shouldn’t come from someone who was chosen to lead the nation’s pandemic efforts.