Dem Senator Says She Will Only Vote For Diverse Nominees And “Non-White” Candidates In WH Cabinet


Between Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece assuming the Boulder shooter was a “white male” and a democratic politician sending conservative pundit Candace Owens a picture of a klansman hood, liberals have been showing their true racial undertones. Through constant preaching of basing merits on skin color and hosting “anti-white” seminars in the workplace, Democrats have always been the real racists. And now, Illinois Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth has announced that she will only vote for ‘diversity’ nominees and non-white candidates until the White House can offer more Asian candidates. Yup, that’s real.

The comment comes after the White House faced backlash that there was not a single Asian American or Pacific Islander representation in the cabinet. While White House deputy chief of staff Jennifer O’Malley Dillon suggested that Asian-Americans should be content with Vice President Kamala Harris’ role, Duckworth said she felt “triggered” by the comment and told reporters she has been talking to the White House for months over the issues of diversity and that they have “still not addressed it.”

“I told them that this morning. So, hopefully, they figure it out. Because I’m a ‘no’ everything other than the diversity candidates. I will vote for racial minorities and I will vote for LGBTQ, but anybody else I’m not voting for,” Duckworth said.

She adds that she would also place “holds” and slow down confirmation votes and has threatened Biden to make an Asian-American a ‘future cabinet secretary’ or pick someone diverse to lead the Federal Communications Commission or the White House Office of Management and Budget. Biden did nominate Neera Tanden, who is of Indian descent, to lead the Office of Management and Budget, as well as confirming Katherine Tai as U.S trade representative. While neither of those positions are part of the 15-member cabinet, they are of “diverse” backgrounds.

Democrats want to vote merely on “diversity” nominees rather than the qualifications they have in holding the job, which Duckworth clarified meant “racial diversity or also gender diversity and sexuality.” Her comments followed last week’s Georgia shooting that left eight people dead, including six Asian women.

Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono agreed with Duckworth that she is also considering opposing any non-diverse Biden nominees, adding that “Tammy has made clear a very well-articulated position.” Talk about an ultimatum.

Democrats are going down a very slippery slope if they start insisting that one particular group should be prioritized for positions over others. People should be appointed based solely on their competence for the role, not ethnicity or gender. Considering President Biden already appointed one of the most diverse administrations, Duckworth is just a Democrat blackmailing another Democrat and wasting everyone’s time by trying to push an even more radically left agenda.

Picking someone based on nationality has never looked good – the Dems know that best.