Dem Gov Tells Everyone To “Stay Home” While On Vacation


    Liberals have positioned themselves on the frontlines of advocating for people to stay home, while still going off and doing whatever they wanted. We’ve seen Denver Mayor Hancock telling people not to travel for Thanksgiving shortly before he flew to Mississippi to see his family. California Gov. Newsom attended a large birthday party with guests from multiple households after telling everyone to cancel their Thanksgiving. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has shut down her state, but still let her husband go boating on the lakes. “Rules for thee, but not for me,” right?

    “We need to stay home, if you can. Do everything you can to try to keep the numbers down. This is not the time to relax. We are going to be looking really closely. We may have to close things down if we are not careful,” said Austin Mayor Steve Adler in a Facebook video last month instructing residents that they need to stay home.

    Ironically enough, Mayor Adler was filming this video at a timeshare in Cabo where his family was holding an outdoor wedding and reception for his daughter. He did not disclose that he had left Austin, let alone the country, with eight people in a private jet to Cabo, but just that everyone else should “stay home.” Except for him of course.

    Reports show that the wedding consisted of 20 guests, despite recommendations in Austin at the time to recommend limiting groups to no more than 10 people. The guests took rapid COVID-19 tests and socially distanced (supposedly). Masks were handed out but Adler said they were “probably not worn” the whole time.

    The wedding did not break the city’s coronavirus orders or Texas state orders but completely obliterated any credibility Adler had as a Mayor. There are no ends to the hypocrisy in liberal politicians. Radical left politicians set out their own “interpretations” of the data to make the rules for everyone else to follow. They can vacation, but you can’t.

    “My fear is that this travel, even having happened during a safer period, could be used by some as justification for risky behavior. In hindsight, and even though it violated no order, it set a bad example for which I apologize,” Mayor Adler told KVUE Senior Reporter Tony Plohetski. The Mayor publicly apologized after reports of his travel and daughter’s wedding were leaked and vowed to stay home for the rest of the holidays.

    The Texas Mayor told Plohetski that his family had consulted with Austin’s top health authority Dr. Mark Escott before holding the event, despite several wedding attendees flying in and a Seattle-based wedding photographer.

    COVID-19 cases spiked when Mayor Adler returned. If liberals are obsessed with case numbers and contract tracing as much as they are now, they can probably point the finger at Mayor Adler for this one.

    This is just another example of how out of touch radical left politicians are with reality. Want to throw a wedding? Just consult with the top health authorities in your state and abuse your powers to do whatever we want. Make sure you film a Facebook video telling everyone else to stay home too.