D.C National Guard Members Told To Be Ready Ahead Of Potential Truck Convoy


Washington, DC National Guard personnel were recently notified to be ready to help local law enforcement in the face of a possible trucker convoy heading to Washington, DC. The notice stated that the D.C. National Guard Land Component Command would be “encamped starting February 22 for forthcoming Trucker protest. According to one source, the term “encamp” can be compared to “occupy an area.”

According to the notice the National Guard will be encamping through Monday, March 7. According to the notice, soldiers are already available to support the State of the Union address on March 1.

An additional notice indicated that the encampment could continue beyond March 7 and would be in support for the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency and Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

Friday’s notices indicated that the mission had not been officially approved by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Breitbart News was informed Saturday afternoon by a spokesperson for the National Guard that MPD had requested assistance. Austin has not yet approved it.

“We have received a request for assistance from the D.C. Metro Police, but that support is conditional on approval by the secretary of defense. So we are waiting. We are still waiting on approval from the secretary.

The U.S. Capitol Police (USCP), issued a press release stating that the USCP was “closely coordinating with entities that include D.C. National Guard in advance of any potential truck convoy.

“Law enforcement agencies in the National Capital Region know of plans to have a series of truck convoys arrive in Washington, DC at the time of the State of the Union. The USCP will support lawful First Amendment activity, as with all demonstrations. The USCP closely coordinates with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. This includes DC’s Metropolitan Police Department and the United States Park Police.

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