Critics Still Mislabeling Florida’s Parental Rights In Educational Bill


Critics continue to misrepresent Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. To the dismay leftists, the Florida legislature passed the bill. It protects children from kindergarten to third grade from classroom discussions about gender identity and orientation. Some even went so far as to call the bill, which protects children aged 5, 6, 7 and 8 years from inappropriate discussions in class, “homophobic and repulsive.”

Critics continue to misrepresent the bill as “Don’t Say Gay” despite it not having to do with banning a particular term. Establishment media outlets are following suit.

A poll by Politico included a question about the Parental Rights in Education Bill. The title of the article reads: “Poll: Americans split on Florida’s controversial bills regarding gender identity and race.” However, the poll’s question included the incorrect phrase.

“How many times have you read, heard, or seen the following?” The so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill was passed by Florida state legislators. It limits teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation to Florida school students.

Although it gave a brief explanation, the question didn’t include one of its key facts: It only applies to children in kindergarten through third grade.

A second question on the subject added the tidbit at the end of the question but did not include the actual bill’s name:

The Florida legislature passed a bill – known by its opponents as the Don’t Say Gay’ Bill – that would limit the teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation to students in Florida schools. While some believe that it will prevent children from discussing inappropriate topics in class, others claim it will hinder important discussions about LGBTQ issues. In what ways do you support the following items? Ban the teaching of gender identity and sexual orientation from kindergarten through third grades.

However, 5o% said they supported the move, while 34% opposed.

The survey also asked the same question, but it was applied to children in third grade. It asked if these discussions should be restricted to age-appropriate discussions. 52 percent of respondents agreed that it should be restricted.

Even though there was strong support for the measure leftists continue to misrepresent it.

Hillary Clinton, a twice-failed presidential candidate, stated last week that Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill was the latest example in the GOP’s performative cruelty.

It will only cause harm to children and families. She said that people who believe in equality and freedom should resist these unwelcome measures whenever they are presented.

Nikki Fried (D), Florida Agriculture Commissioner, is one of the Democrats trying to challenge Gov. Ron DeSantis, (R), also plied the fake narrative.

DeSantis has however repeatedly addressed critics of his bill, challenging them to “get outside their bubble” and to actually talk with parents in the state.

He said, “They don’t want this in kindergarten, first grade, or second grade.” “We want our children to be kids.”