Biden Warns ‘Darker Days’ Lie Ahead


    Reviews have been mixed since Congress passed the $900 billion relief package. Republicans fought for higher stimulus payments and financial relief for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic while Democrats fought for massive state and local government funding as well as additional funding for lobbyists.

    President-elect Joe Biden came out with a rare news conference and end of the year address in Wilmington, Delaware to warn people that the coronavirus’ “darkest days” are ahead. He also urged people against being in large gatherings with multiple households for the holidays. Most Americans have stopped listening to high-profile politicians who’ve been caught breaking their own lockdown rules to travel and dine during the holidays.

    “Our darkest days in this battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us. So, we need to prepare ourselves and steel our spines. As frustrating as it is to hear, it’s going to take patience and persistence, and determination to beat this virus. There will be no time to waste in taking the steps we need to turn this crisis around,” Biden said.

    Medical experts claimed that we should expect to lose tens of thousands of more lives in the months to come from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though there are two vaccines that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it will take months for vaccine treatments to be readily available. People have also started having harsh reactions to the vaccines as well.

    The Department of Health and Human Services has already called the COVID-19 data in the US an “information catastrophe.” There were concerns raised over the accuracy of health data predictions, especially since some states are using flawed methods to guide their policies.

    Others have also questioned the accuracy of following coronavirus data since there can be changes in the number of people being tested daily as well. Some of the hardest-hit states saw a decline in testing which didn’t add up. Some lab technicians have suggested that this could be due to a delay in test processing, but each state is processing their information differently.

    Biden also praised the $900 billion COVID-19 relief package, calling it “far from perfect,” but said it provides vital relief at a critical time and is the first step in addressing the coronavirus crisis. He then tweeted that in his first 100 days of administration he will ask all Americans to mask up, administer 100 million vaccine shots, get schools open, and contain the virus.

    People have questioned whether a national mask mandate is constitutional or not – or if Biden can even declare one. There have also been concerns about how the radical left wants to “track” those that have been vaccinated. Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang even tweeted out to his users and asked how vaccinated people can be verified through QR codes or a tracking app.

    While President Trump and the rest of his Administration helped roll out the COVID-19 vaccines Pfizer and Moderna within months, Joe Biden wants us to believe that the darkest days are ahead. Democrats want to continue with the disturbing rhetoric until they scare every Republican out of their House seat.

    One of the most influential conservative radio hosts Rush Limbaugh even commented on Biden’s morbid address to the American people. “What a bleak way of looking at things. It’s never time to panic, folks. There’s never, ever going to be time to give up on our country … It’ll never be time to give up on yourself. Trust me,” he said.

    December has always been the flu season. That doesn’t mean the American people have to depend on the government in fear of every cough and sneeze.