Biden Slams Trump For Refusing To Sign COVID-19 Bill


    In a recent statement, President-elect Joe Biden slammed President Donald Trump for refusing to sign the $900 billion bipartisan COVID-19 relief bill. He accused the President of suppressing financial aid to millions of Americans who have been affected by the pandemic, even though a large majority of the government-mandated shutdowns and blocked COVID-19 bills have come from the Democratic Party.

    “It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families don’t know if they’ll be able to make ends meet because of President Donald Trump’s refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority. This abdication of responsibility has devastating consequences,” said Biden.

    In a White House press briefing, President Trump explained why he wouldn’t be signing the bipartisan bill and called the $600 stimulus checks that would be sent to millions of Americans a “disgrace.” He called to increase the checks to $2000, give more money to small businesses, particularly restaurants, and outlined a list of wasteful spending provisions in the final House bill.

    Others have also argued that the radical left used the COVID-19 relief bill for foreign aid agreements, lobbyists, and funding for special projects, while sending the bare minimum to the Americans who need it most. The bill also includes aid to the Kennedy Center, fish management, water projects, language, etc.

    Others have argued that a bill needs to be passed before the end of the year otherwise unemployment insurance will expire, moratoriums on eviction will expire, government spending will halt, and services and paychecks for military personnel will be at risk.

    Democrats, particularly House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, knew when the expiration dates were on COVID-19 relief and still who spent the entire year blocking every bill the Republican party brought forward. Pelosi even admitted that her “change in heart” at passing a COVID-19 relief bill was because of “a new president and vaccine.” Now that the political games are over and deadlines are approaching, the radical left thinks they can pass whatever they want.

    “I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple. I am also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package,” President Trump said.

    Of course, Biden would slam President Trump’s rejection of the bill. He’ll be making an incredible amount of money included in this package from foreign aid agreements, especially in business dealings with Ukraine and China. The last thing we need is more government dependence on foreign allies and money being dumped into left-leaning departments.

    President Trump simply doesn’t want a bill passed that would provide other countries funding in furthering their own radical agendas and militaries. He wants a bill that will help the American people and support businesses as they reopen. If they took out the money for foreign countries and unrelated liberal matters, it would be signed immediately. Simple as that.