Anthony Fauci Admits To WaPo His $10.4M Financial Portfolio Was Hidden


In a Washington Post Friday report, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that his $10.4 Million financial portfolios was kept from American citizens. Fauci’s 2020 portfolio, which had been kept secret by watchdogs for several months, was finally obtained by Senator Roger Marshall (R.K.S.) on January 14. Marshall obtained Fauci’s disclosures after Fauci called Marshall a “moron” during a Senate hearing.

Fauci stated that Fauci may have a point about the secret disclosures. “Maybe my financial investments should be easier to see, even though they are disclosed and readily available.”

Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee and must disclose financial statements. After requesting financial statements from President Joe Biden’s top physician adviser, Senator Marshall did exactly that.

Fauci responded by publishing unpublished financial records

BREAKING! I was able to obtain previously unpublished financial disclosures from Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci was totally dishonest regarding his disclosures being easily accessible to the public. I am therefore releasing them now.

Dr. Fauci’s Financial Disclosures

Dr. Roger Marshall (@RogerMarshallMD), January 15, 2022

The published report stated that Fauci has invested in Chinese companies, among other investments. Breitbart News reported:

Fauci’s 2o20 financials, first published by Senator Roger Marshall (R.KS) and reported in the New York Post, show that President Biden’s top physician made investments in China through a Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund.

According to the Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund’s September 2021 fact sheet, 42.7 percent of investors’ money has been invested in companies in China or Hong Kong.

Wuxi Biologics Cayman is one of the listed companies. Wuxi Biologics Cayman, a Chinese-based company, is in the pharmaceutical industry.

The release of Fauci’s documents by Sen. Marshall follows an initiative to make financial disclosures available on the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) website for officials of the Biden administration, such as Fauci.

The Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals Act (FAUCI Act) is the name of the legislation.

“Dr. Marshall stated that Fauci was totally dishonest regarding his financial disclosures being made public to the public. “Dr. Fauci must be held responsible for all Americans who have requested this information and have been suing.

Fauci, the highest-paid federal employee, is reportedly earning more than 400,000 dollars in 2020. He will also receive a $350,000 per year pension upon retiring.