Democrats Owned By Shapiro In History Lesson


The radical left exploded in fits Monday after Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court as the court’s newest associate justice. This led to several Democratic politicians promising retaliation and blaming the Republicans for “tribalism” in U.S Politics. Not many of them cared to do historical research before tweeting it out to the world, leaving conservative commentator and attorney Ben Shapiro to clean up the mess. 

It started with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claiming Republicans had bypassed and expanded the court illegally to push their own political agenda.

“Republicans do this because they don’t believe Dems have the stones to play hardball like they do. And for a long time they’ve been correct. But do not let them bully the public into thinking their bulldozing is normal but a response isn’t. There is a legal process for expansion,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. 

Shapiro was quick to point out that years ago it was the Democrats who had started political escalation and tense environments within the Senate. 

The funniest part about this tweet is that Democrats were first to destroy judicial candidates for mere interpretational disagreement, the first to use the filibuster against judges, and the first to nuke the filibuster against judges…but she thinks the Republicans started it,” Shapiro responded to AOC. 

It has been the typical playbook for Dems to accuse others of what they already do themselves. While filibusters in the early 1800’s were originally meant for legislative purposes, Democrats were the first to use it in 2003 to block vote on President Bush’s judicial nomination of Miguel Estrada. Estrada was the first Latino Judicial to sit on the U.S Court of Appeals. The Democrats had painted him as an extremist and led such a stressful confirmation that his wife suffered miscarriage and later died accidentally overdosing on sleeping pills.

Democrats’ did the exact same thing during Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation when they had pushed the claim that he was a serial sexual assaulter and painted him as a women-hating villain. 

It’s clear that the radical left politicians will do whatever it takes to represent themselves and the “will of the people,” rather than making sure things are done constitutionally. It’s all just a serious comprehension issue with how the left thinks the U.S government is supposed to work, rather than how it was intended to work.