Where is Joe?


It’s official. As of April 2nd the Democrat Party postponed its presidential nominating convention by a month until the week of August 17. The event in Milwaukee is now scheduled for the week before the Republican National Convention, which is set to be held in Charlotte, N.C. Biden hasn’t even held an in-person campaign event since March 10 but was quick to jump the gun discussing on NBC’s ‘Tonight Show’ that he thinks “it’s going to have to move into August.” This is the furthest Biden has gone in predicting any sort of delays within the general election campaign and doesn’t seem to provide any further information.

When reaching out to Mandi Merrit, the Republican National Committee’s national press secretary, she said “We are fully committed to holding the Republican convention in Charlotte as planned.” She also pointed to recent comments by the RNC’s chief, Richard Walters, saying that they have not had any substantive conversations about alternative scenarios for the party’s convention. As usual, the left-wingers are going where the wind blows apparently.

Donald Trump has confidently reached out to reporters concerning the events in August. “We have no contingency plan. We’re having the convention at the end of August, and we think by the end of August we’re going to be in great shape. It’s going to be in North Carolina, Charlotte, and I think we’re going to have a great convention.” 

While Democrats were originally scheduled to convene July 13-16 in Milwaukee, the Republicans slate will run from August 24-27. 

Biden is most likely at ease with the postponed July dates. He even told Sen. Bernie Sanders – his last remaining rival for the nomination, that he’s still trying to select a vice presidential running mate. According to Fox, these remarks came during a “virtual fundraiser” Biden held with a few Democratic donors since the CoronaVirus Pandemic wiped his in-person campaign activities clean. He has been attempting to conduct these campaigns over the internet with a series of virtual town halls that have been widely panned and poorly attended. When asked about picking a running mate by one of the glad-handling major donors he responded “I am in the process and I actually had this discussion with Bernie. He’s a friend. We’re competitors. He’s a friend.” You alright there Joe? 

To bring up age with the rest of this, no matter who runs the race – whether it be Trump, Biden, or Sanders – will become the oldest person to ever win a presidential election, beating out Ronald Reagan, who was 73 when he won re-election in 1984. Many Democrats have privately and publicly expressed unease at Biden’s performance. Though he is 77, he is measurably and visibly older than the 73 year old President Trump. 

Even more so, Biden currently holds a lead of about 300 delegates on Sanders, which means that Sanders is pretty much all but mathematically eliminated from holding the nomination outright. It takes time to do background checks on potential vice president candidates but Biden has explained that he just wants to be careful about stepping on Sander’s toes. Consolidating support from Bernie’s backers seems to be all but Biden’s top priority at the moment and will probably lead to an eventual loss for the Democratic party. 

As a Presidential candidate, he is focused on all of the wrong things. At least we know the Republican party has its act together despite what the fake news reads. Biden should be thanking his lucky stars right now for a postponed convention and cluttered campaign trail due to the CoronaVirus pandemic.