Senior ICE Official Warns Biden That Flood Of Migrants Will Be Highest In Over 20 Years


Since President Biden promised to repeal and undo former President Trump’s immigration policies, a swarm of illegal immigrants have been attempting to cross the southern border. Because of this, a top immigration official is now warning that the flood of migrants coming to the United States would outnumber any migrant wave over the last 20 years. Shelters are overflowing, border crossings are rising, and Border Patrol facilities are overwhelmed. So much for “building back better.” Whatever that meant.

According to U.S Border Patrol, agents have caught more than 4,500 migrants crossing the U.S-Mexico border on a single-day tally. This comes with growing fears that the number of illegal entries could soar in the coming weeks. Rep. Henry Cueller, a Democrat, said the U.S is weeks, maybe even days, away from a crisis on the southern border. “Our country is currently unprepared to handle a surge in migrants in the middle of the pandemic,” he said.

Russell Hott, a senior official with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also notified staff members of a rapid-processing plan and said arrivals by unaccompanied minors and families this year “are expected to be the highest numbers observed in over 20 years.” He also noted that individuals who cannot be housed in one of the rapid-crossing centers may be placed in hotels.

The federal government is currently taking custody of 321 migrant children per day, with numbers rapidly rising. Federal officials have requested an additional 20,000 beds to house an expected surge in children crossing the border, as well as bypass CDC guidelines in migrant facilities to accept “100% capacity.” Even Democrats have seen the rising number of kids in temporary facilities and called it a “betrayal” of Biden’s pledge to reverse Trump’s immigration policies.

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez also addressed concerns about migrants who made it across the border and were processed and released in Rio Grande Valley. They even passed the line of Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), where 5,000 folks have been waiting for two years to cross the border. “If that is the message that we send to Central America and around the world, I can assure you, it won’t be long before we have tens of thousands of people showing up to our border,” he said.

Immigration is an issue that is intensely partisan and clearly more important to the Biden Administration than getting Americans back to work, stimulating the economy, and opening up schools. They ran their entire campaign on fighting COVID-19, just to bypass CDC guidelines and flood the nation with illegal immigrants.

Are these still “children in cages” or did that narrative change? We’ll still hear how it’s Trump’s fault somehow.