McEnany Calls Out Voter Fraud


There has been a false projection that Joe Biden is the winner of the presidential race based on results in four states. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany recently gave a Trump campaign speech with RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in telling viewers that the allegations of voter fraud make the election between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden far from over. 

“We are fighting for the rights of all Americans who want to have faith and confidence not only in this election, but in any elections to come. There is only one party in America that opposes voter I.D. One party in America that opposes verifying signatures, citizenship, residency, eligibility. There is only one party in America trying to keep observers out of the count room. And that party, my friends, is the Democrat party,” McEnany said.

She talked about the process of obtaining an accurate and honest vote count from each state. She asked why Democrats were opposing vote audits and transparency. If you have something to hide, then you are welcoming fraud and illegal voting. 

This is exactly what was leading into her next point, which was a boatload of voter fraud evidence, before Fox News host Neil Cavuto decided to interrupt the network’s live feed. 

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I just think we have to be very clear. She’s charging the other side as welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this. I want to make sure that maybe they do have something to back that up, but that’s an explosive charge to make that the other side is effectively rigging and cheating,” Cavuto said and cut away from the Trump campaign press conference. 

For the rest of the speech, McEnany talked about the numerous lawsuits filed in key battleground states and the accusations of voting irregularities. Fox News, along with mainstream media networks, have been declaring that Biden is the projected winner of the race for many days now. Fox News was one of the first to call the state of Arizona for Biden, even though thousands of votes still needed to be counted. I thought “every vote counts,” right?

One of the examples McEnany talked about was in regards to how Pennsylvania was counting. The votes in a presidential race are up to the state legislature, even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court was unconstitutionally bypassing its state legislature to ensure that Trump campaign staffers would not be allowed to view vote counts.

We haven’t seen judicial intervention like this in an election for decades. The Democrats have shown you can tip the scale to favor one side while disregarding all votes of the other. What are the Democrats hiding?