Majority Says Biden’s Immigration Policy Worse Than Trumps


Rasmussen Reports survey revealed that the majority of Americans believe President Biden’s immigration policy is worse than Trump’s. Respondents were asked whether they believed the Biden immigration policy was better or worse than the Trump administration. 52 percent said it was worse. Only 28% said it was “better”, and 15% said it’s “about equal.”

A majority of Republicans (53 percent) and Democrats (53 percent) agree that Biden’s immigration policy is “worse”, which includes expanding catch-and-release.

Nearly a third of respondents stated that it was important to understand why people are moving to the United States.

Even though the majority of people believe that Biden’s policies on immigration are “worse” than Trump’s, this issue will be an important part of the midterm elections. Polled, 78 percent said the issue would play an important role in this year’s election. 53% of those surveyed thought it was very important. ”

This survey was completed by 1,000 U.S. citizens between February 1, 2022, and February 2, 2022. The margin error is +/-3 percent.

Matthew Boyle, the chief reporter at Breitbart News Washington, highlighted the story of officials flying an illegal immigrant into Northeast Florida. He also lied about his name and age. Perry said that Americans are eager to help others but that it is possible to do so. Perry, Chairman of House Freedom Caucus stated that it was impossible to import criminals into our communities.

While he acknowledged that some of them weren’t violent criminals, he said, “Let’s face it, your first act is illegal entry into this country.” This is a disrespectful act that also violates U.S. laws and taxpayers.

Perry pointed out that Democrats aren’t just disregarding laws but actively seeking ways to circumvent the law to help illegal aliens.

An inquiry was held by the House Freedom Caucus to examine Biden’s first full year in office. It concluded with record-breaking arrests at South Border.