How President Biden Changed The Definition of ‘Infrastructure’


While breaking down Joe Biden’s “infrastructure” plan, most critics would find that it doesn’t have that much to do with infrastructure. In fact, safety officials are even suggesting that the plan offers “little to no relief” for issues that threaten lives and property across the country every day. In Biden’s long list of government pet projects, some of the most important issues at hand, such as dam safety, are barely getting the recognition or prioritization they need. This is another liberal wishlist by the Biden Administration that is trying to disguise itself as a bill that “fights climate change” in order to make its way through Congress.

“I read it like three times and I’m like, ‘Am I missing something here?’ We have 90,000 dams in America, and so many of those dams are aging and in need of upgrades. If you’re going to spend $2 trillion on a plan to improve the nation’s infrastructure, we think it’s very important that some of this infrastructure funding go to a serious public safety issue that affects every state in America,” said Lori Spragens, executive director of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.

Spragens adds that the department needs $20 billion to repair the dams in high-population areas where the failures could be catastrophic. Biden’s current infrastructure plan includes $17 billion on ports and waterways, which would include locks and dams, but barely mentions dam safety at all in its proposal.

The plan also sets aside $174 billion for electric vehicles, including direct payments to automakers, tax incentives for high-earning buyers, and building 500,000 charging stations for “practical use.” President Biden would also raise costs for clean energy being made in the country rather than offshore wind components from Europe and solar panels from Asia. He would fund $100 billion for these clean-energy subsidies to electric utilities. There was also an effort to include funding for female and minority-owned businesses, but the Biden Administration has yet to offer any explanation on how this strengthens the nation’s infrastructure or “fights climate change.”

But as usual, the bill is nothing but liberal word salad and a way to pour more funds into Democrat-friendly businesses and donor unions. Less than percent of the funding would go towards infrastructure “in the traditional sense of the word.”

According to the Biden Administration’s definition, paid leave, child care, and caregiving are infrastructure. Infrastructure, in its textbook term, is the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities that are needed for the operation of a society, such as buildings, roads, and power supplies. Only the radical left would change the meaning of words simply because they want to.

At this point, you’ve got to ask…what ISN’T infrastructure?