Has Pelosi Forgotten What Side She Is On?


Nancy Pelosi has finally said it. Apparently, Republicans don’t care about people if they aren’t white. She was appearing on CNBC where host Jim Cramer laid out a plan for America. 

He suggested she go to Representative Lewis and ask him to do something for the totally disenfranchised in this country. He said we should give a “huge chunk” of money to people who are minorities and want to stay in business, those attending college, or those who are the most affected because they had the least chance in our country. 

From what I’m hearing, we should subsidize according to race? Pay some people’s student loans, based on race? From what I remember, the small business owners that have been affected were from government-ordered shutdowns. Right?

As usual, Pelosi took the opportunity to point the finger at Republicans and suggested that Cramer mistook them for somebody who gives a damn. “Oh geez,” he responded. 

“Yeah, that’s the problem. See, the thing is, they don’t believe in governance. They don’t believe in governance, and that requires some acts of government to do that. But just what you described is what Mr. Schumer — Chuck Schumer — is proposing that we do with some of the resources in the bill.”

She was, of course, talking about the Heroes Act, which would provide funding for state and local governments, hazard pay for essential workers, funding for coronavirus testing, rent and mortgage assistance, and an extension of the $600 weekly unemployment expansion. This also includes additional funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, small businesses, emergency relief for the U.S. Postal Service, and provisions for election safety and facilitating voting by mail.

Pelosi said she’s trying to do right by economists. Of course she is. According to Fox Business, she’s worth $114 million. She’ll be making sure her donors get paid in any new bill. I can’t see how any Democrat wants to “help” the economy, being that they were on the side of closing businesses down and getting us into this mess in the first place. 

With regards to congressional spending, the great Walter E. Williams tells it how it is. “The fact that Congress has no resources of its very own forces us to recognize that the only way Congress can give one American one dollar is to first — through intimidation, threats and coercion — confiscate that dollar from some other American through the tax code.”

Pelosi isn’t going to be on anyone’s side but her own, especially since the Presidential election is this November. If anything, she’d love for the economy to be a complete mess so she can just point the finger at President Trump again. Real shocker here.