DHS’s Mayorkas Met With Migrants Suing Americans For $450K Payouts


According to a statement by the lawyers for the migrants, the border chief for President Joe Biden said that he would support illegal migrants who are seeking family payouts of $900,000.

One of the law firms with high-status illegals exposed the meeting. However, Biden’s political team revealed that lawyers and his legal team had already announced on January 5 that they would not support the controversial giveaway in court. According to the statement:

In August 2021, [Guatemalan migrant] Ms. C.M. Attended a meeting between separated parents, Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security Secretary. “Secretary Mayorkas said that it was his responsibility to help us after all we have suffered. They are now fighting me in court. I feel betrayed. We want justice, and we will make sure that this doesn’t happen again.

C.M., a Guatemalan migrant, is one of the migrants. The media and far-left migration advocates portray the migrants, including C.M. from Guatemala, as helpless victims of Trump’s cruelty.

C.M. claims that she was an economic migrant and was using border loopholes, such as Flores catch-and-release loophole, to join the father of her child who was already in Oakland, California. According to the claim, “Plaintiff Erendira M. [now] lives in Oakland, California.” … Erendira, Erendira’s long term partner and now husband, wanted to contact Yasmin while she was being held [by Trump’s DHS] at Atlanta.

The August meeting with Mayorkas was held. This was before an ACLU official leaked the ACLU demand for $450,000 per person to migrants. It also happened before Biden’s poll-watching East Coast deputies fired several Mayorkas’s appointed aides due to his terrible ratings regarding immigration policy.

This lawsuit doesn’t explain why the woman and her baby were allowed to reside in the United States. The lawyers want the dollar payout but they say:

Erendira C.M., an indigenous Guatemalan woman whose six-year-old daughter was separated from her mother, said that she still feels the pain. “No family should ever have to suffer as we did.”

Many deported migrants send their children to live with illegal immigrants in the United States. This option of voluntary separation allows children to become American citizens. It also allows for phone conversations. Pro-migration lawyers want to stigmatize, punish and portray migrants as deserving victims.

Mayorkas, a pro-migration zealot from Cuba, is known for his repeated praises of the demands of migrants for compensation and relocation to the United States. He spoke out to MSNBC in March as thousands of migrants headed towards the U.S. border.

Reuniting these families [partly deported] is our highest priority. These are often young people in their early years, as we saw so clearly. Sometimes these children are as young as three years old. We address the vulnerabilities and needs of not only the children but also their mothers and fathers, as well as the families that they make up. … 3 years old at the time of separation It is extremely cruel and inhumane.

Mayorkas declared in 2013 that America’s homeland was “a nation that always had been and will forever remain a Nation of Immigrants.” He also said that migrant-owned businesses “are the backbone of communities — and of the country.” Mayorkas staged the televised reunion of migrant families to divert attention from the border chaos. Mayorkas stated that he would make foreign migrants’ dignity “first in all of our efforts” in June.

Mayorkas isn’t an academic. Mayorkas has a budget exceeding $50 billion. He is using his regulatory and bureaucratic powers to draw many economic migrants through a few small side doors in immigration laws — even though Congress intended those doors to be used by a small number of persecuted asylum seekers, stranded travelers, victimized children, or injured voyagers.

Mayorkas’s pro-migration policies have led to the family separations that he claims he wants, Rob Law, director of regulatory affairs at the Center for Immigration Studies said.

The irony is not what I would call it, but cruelty. This is intentional and there is no remorse. Open-border policies by the Biden administration cause separation of families, as [migrants] seek the economic opportunities of living and working in the United States.

Law stated that young men are aware of the half-hidden government’s welcome for illegal foreign workers and leave their homes to seek asylum in the United States.

The separation was caused by the policies of the administration. They refused to take responsibility for the separation and tighten work enforcement to send the [foreign] worker back to his home nation. Instead, they said, “Well, well, we have sympathy — which of course, we created — and we’re now going to find a means to extract your family members from their home countries, and just reunite you,” even though nothing in our immigration laws would allow these people to legally be here.

Policies like “Everyone is an asylum seeker”, “Everyone should have entry” and “Everyone ought to be granted a work permit” encourage aliens all over the globe to go into serious debt to pay dangerous cartels and smugglers in order to cross the border. This guarantees that some of the [migrant] population will be subject to abuse during their journey, regardless of whether it is sexual, physical, or emotional. No one will make it to the southern border unharmed. These are the sacrifices made by the Biden administration in exchange for [migrants] arriving to the United States.

Law stated, “It’s callous; It’s really heartless.”

Law states that the administration and its pro-migration allies made a joint show of protecting the border while allowing more than 100,000 migrants through the border each month. He said that the $450,000 payment demand is only encouraging more relatives from the home country to claim they are also being extorted and can only be solved by their transfer to the United States.

They’re creating the conditions to attract more migrants. It used to be that Mexican day laborers would arrive for a short time, then cross the border to Mexico to return to their home country. This would continue over many years. It was only single male workers. It was not true, but it was small. It’s now the worker and the whole family. And that family seems to be growing larger every day. You can see that it is not just the worker who is being threatened by the bad guys — the cartels or the drug dealers — but also the cousins and third uncles of the family members.

Border theatrics by the administration are convincing enough to persuade their allies – even though Biden received approximately 620,000 migrants from the south between February and September, more than twice the 250,000 Trump allowed into his country in 2020. Mayorkas and his deputies have allowed in approximately 500,000 illegals as “got away” to Biden.

Numerous polls have shown that Americans are strongly opposed to labor migration, even though they want to accept some immigration. The bipartisan federal government exploits the public’s decency to extract tens to millions of migrants from impoverished countries in order to increase U.S. companies as workers, consumers, renters, and workers.

This economic strategy is detrimental to the average American: It reduces their opportunities for advancement and lowers their wages, while also increasing their housing costs. National wealth gaps are also widening due to the extraction-migration policy. Job-creating investors have largely ignored Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield District in inland California. Investors can ignore Bakersfield, its job-seekers because they use the government’s supply of migrants and foreign workers to staff new businesses close to their homes.

This strategy reduces Americans’ productivity and compromises their political clout. It also radicalizes their democratic, compromise-promoting civic culture. Wealthy elites can ignore the despairing Americans at bottom of society.

Unsurprisingly, there are many polls that show widespread opposition to labor migration and the inflows of temporary workers into the jobs that young U.S. citizens seek.

This is growing opposition, anti-establishment. It is multiracial and cross-sex.