Rep. Ilhan Omar is one of the many radical left politicians who have used their ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ to blame every terrible incident or issue in the country on the President. If it isn’t President Trump’s fault, then whose is it? Personal accountability is not an ideal concept in the world of left-leaning politics.
Progressive “Squad” member Omar first asserted that President Trump was a murderer right before the new year when he pardoned four Blackwater guards who were convicted in the killing of 14 Iraqi civilians. She said that granting them unconditional pardons is a disgrace to the country, as well as the rule of law, then linked an opinion piece claiming that the pardon blurs the lines between justified wartime killing and murder.
People argued with Rep. Omar that pardoning is a constitutional power and would require an amendment to change. New limits on Presidential powers to pardon would have to be changed under a Biden Administration and his transition team has not commented on doing that anytime soon. However, President Trump’s decision to pardon the Blackwater guards received widespread public support since the men had a long history of service to the nation.
In a recent MSNBC interview, Rep. Omar discussed the incident at the U.S Capitol and insisted that the need to impeach President Trump is similar to the need of holding a murderer accountable for their crimes. She has continued to suggest that the President’s speech in asking his supporters to peacefully and patriotically protest the election results led to the death of five people and multiple injuries.
“We know that some have said he’s learned his lesson, some have also used childlike analogies to talk about he has put his hand on a stove and he is now burned and he won’t do it again, but this is not just about him. This is about fulfilling our oath of office. And if we do not take that serious [sic], I don’t know how we can continue to be members of Congress and say that we are to protect our country from domestic enemies,” Rep. Omar said.
President Trump spoke publicly regarding the accusations of inciting violence and being impeached by calling it a continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics. He defended the speech he gave to his followers that Democrats claimed incited the violence at the Capitol and said that the impeachment process was causing tremendous anger.
“If you read my speech — and many people have done it, and I’ve seen it both in the papers and in the media, on television — it has been analyzed, and people thought that what I said was totally appropriate,” President Trump explained.
Trump Derangement Syndrome pushes a lot of blame on a lot of unrelated issues. If President Trump is a murderer for the things that happened at the Capitol, then that makes the Democratic Party a serial killer for the riots that happened last summer.