Dems Reintroduce Bill For D.C Statehood


House and Senate Democrats just introduced legislation Wednesday that would make Washington D.C., the 51st state. Supported by President Joe Biden, the legislation would give District of Columbia citizens full authority over local issues and grant them full representation in Congress.

The measure was introduced by Sen. Tom Carper in the Senate and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton in the House and had more than 200 co-sponsors looking to achieve voting representation and full local self-government for the 712,000+ residents of the District of Columbia.

“It’s an American issue because the lack of fair representation given to the residents of D.C. is inconsistent with the values on which this country was founded. It is therefore incumbent upon all of us who enjoy the right and the privilege of full voting rights and representation to take up the cause of our fellow citizens in the District of Columbia,” said Sen. Carper.

While the Department of Justice has previously advised Congress that it lacks the power to grant D.C statehood, the Constitution states that Congress still retains the power to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases. A constitutional amendment is required for a D.C statehood, not a unilateral congressional vote.

Democrats would need to overcome a filibuster, requiring 60 votes with the support of a minimum of 10 Republicans, before the bill could pass again in House. Many GOP lawmakers have opposed the bill, noting that its congressional representation would almost certainly be left-leaning.

Critics have claimed that the District of Columbia was for the purpose of creating the nation’s capital, not for the creation of a state government. They argue that a D.C statehood would interfere with Congress’ exclusive powers over the District and be used to manipulate institutions in one political party’s favor.

Others have also argued that this push goes against the 23rd Amendment which gives D.C residents the right to vote, but gives them as much say as the “least populous State.”

The District was meant to be the home of the federal government and a place for representatives from various states to reside and congregate. It was never meant to be a place for people to live.

Radical democrats, such as Mayor Muriel Bowser, have also used the attack against the Capitol on Jan. 6 to join other high-profile politicians in chanting for statehood.

“This blatant degradation of our home right before my own eyes offered another reminder — a particularly powerful one — of why we need statehood for the District,” Mayor Bowser said.

The radical left pushes all of their political agendas out of self-interest, so this is nothing more than another power grab at its finest.