Americans Poll That They Do Not Believe Strict Gun Laws Curb Retail Crime


A survey by the Convention of States Action/Travel Group found that Americans don’t believe strict gun laws adequately address the rise in crime in major cities.

Respondents were asked to answer a question: “Do you think that strict gun laws in major cities have made the current surge in retail crime better or worse?”

A plurality of respondents, 47.1 percent, stated that they make no difference. 37.3 percent said it is getting worse, while 15.6 percent said it is getting better.

The majority of Republicans (54.6%) said that gun laws make the crime worse, but the majority of Democrats (53.8%) and independents (50.7%) said it doesn’t.

Notably, only 30.1 percent believe that the laws have made the situation better. However, only 7.3 percent and 9.8 percent respectively of Republicans and independents agree with this view. The margin of error for the survey was +/- 2.99 percent. It was conducted among 1,076 respondents.

Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, bragged this week about the executive action taken by the president last year to “stop guns violence,” but she neglected to mention the dozen Democrat-run cities that broke their annual homicide records last. This list includes Indianapolis, Indiana, Portland, Oregon, Rochester, New York, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Austin, Texas.

Chicago also saw the highest number of homicides in its history in the past two decades. Meanwhile, it continues to battle smash and grab thieves who stole as much as $1 million from the Gold Coast Auto Gallery last year.