Actor Tim Allen Opens Up Liking Trump And Avoiding Cancel Culture


On a recent episode of Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast, actor Tim Allen opened up about staying away from the cancel culture, politics, and how he liked the fact that former President Trump pissed off people in the White House. He talked about becoming a fiscal conservative and attending President Trump’s inauguration in 2016 in the hypocritical leftist controlled culture.

“Once I realized that the last president pissed people off, I kind of like that. So it was fun to just not say anything. Didn’t join in the lynching crowd,” Allen said.

Allen also slammed the American tax system and said making his own money is what moved him over to the right as a fiscal conservative. He told Maron that a “silent partner” took almost half of his money and never gave anything for it. Once he saw that, he realized he never liked taxes or believed anyone should tell him what to do with his money.

“I’ve never liked taxes…That’s it, I don’t like it. I work pretty hard for this stuff and I accomplished a lot and I was handicapped by my own errors. It’s all my fault, I get that. But I had this silent partner. I never liked taxes,” Allen said.

The actor also spoke about avoiding the cancel culture in the past and never getting in trouble for his politics. He said he keeps his beliefs to himself and doesn’t think anyone should tell others how to live their lives or what they should do. “What I’ve done is just not joined into, as I call it, the we culture,” the actor said.

He adds that he has been cordial with former President Bill Clinton and his wife, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, but that he didn’t think Hillary should’ve been president.

“Bill Clinton has been a very genuinely nice guy to me. When he was president, I sent them Christmas stuff from Disney. I sent all the movies we did. I sent it to Bush too and I sent it to the Obamas. I just didn’t think Hillary should have been president. In the end, you go the other direction. I said, ‘It’s nothing personal about it. If you don’t like it then wait till the next election,’” Allen said.

Allen, who has been sober for over two decades, also discussed his past drug issues. He said his bad behavior came to a head in 1978 after being arrested at the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport in Michigan while carrying over a pound of cocaine. He’d later plead guilty to drug trafficking charges and spent two years and four months in federal prison at the age of 23. He said they were a ‘bunch of college kids’ and that two of them took the punishment for about 20 guys.

Allen has realized that the cancel culture does nothing but get bothered by what everyone else does and instead of controlling the narrative of how to live and what to say, they just let everyone live how they want.