Elizabeth Warren Launches Another Fact-Free Attack On Grocery Stores


Senator Elizabeth Warren (D.MA), proving she is equally dishonest as she is stupid, tried to again blame inflation on evil grocery stores chains. Warren spoke out in favor of antitrust laws being used against grocery store chains during an MSNBC appearance.

What you have are left with is a few giant grocery store chains. …? Kroger’s third-quarter 2021 profits were nearly $900 million. This was three times their profit in the same period in 2019! They have market dominance, so they can expand their profits. We can get real competition if we pass an antitrust law and break down these large corporations.

It is obvious that she has a plan. The same thing that she did last time she floated the deranged conspiracy theory. She wants to let His Fraudulency Joe Biden get away with the record-breaking inflation that is entirely his fault. First, Biden’s insane spending lowered the dollar and raised prices.

Zweiten, Biden’s supply-chain mismanagement led to more demand than supply which in turn increased prices. Then, Biden’s utterly negligent management of the China Flu led to personnel shortages, which further damaged the supply chain. This again caused more demand than supply and increased prices.

Grocery stores have some of the lowest profit margins of all businesses. They are a volume business and not a profit-margin company.

Once you realize that grocery stores are volume businesses, you will understand why their profits have exploded in the third quarter of 2021. This is when omicron came along. This is when people began stockpiling groceries again. A virus has also made it less common for people to go out to eat. This means that they are more likely to cook at home and are therefore buying more groceries. People are more likely to work from home than ever before, so they eat at home instead of going out.

In my small town, there are six grocery stores that compete for my business. They all cover approximately two square miles. The idea that price gouging is occurring is absurd.

What is this fake Indian thinking? All of a sudden, after decades and even decades, all the grocery stores gathered to deceive their customers during a pandemic. They decided to change their prices in the third quarter 2021, after years and decades of hard work.

When was the last time Lieawatha went grocery shopping A stroll through any grocery store will provide you with an indication of supply and demand by the number of empty shelves? This is the key question: “[D]o [you] believe that the plunges in inflation and profits in early 2020 were caused by companies becoming more altruistic, or less concentrated?”

This Pocahontas is a joke! If Democrats are so concerned about Big Grocery Chains why didn’t they close small businesses to allow Big Grocery Chains the opportunity to continue operating during their anti-science lockdowns?

Two reasons grocery store prices are so high are JOE and BIDEN.

Warren would pursue Big Tech and teacher’s unions if she were truly concerned about monopolies or anti-trust issues.