Professors Push Biden On Forming “Misinformation Commission”


    It’s only a matter of time before big tech companies teamed up with the radical left to recreate and decide “what speech out to be permitted.” The storming at the U.S Capitol was blamed on a speech that President Trump gave to his followers, which led to his Twitter account being permanently suspended. Now, a pair of university professors are looking to convince President-elect Joe Biden that the government needs a “misinformation commission” to counter the spread of right-wing conspiracy theories.

    Professors Bill Adair and Philip Napoli used the incident at the Capitol to try and prove a point that the government needs a panel to decide what counts as “misinformation” regarding a web of partisan media outlets, social media, and the dark corners of the internet.

    “The lies flourished despite an extraordinary amount of debunking by fact-checkers and Washington journalists. But that fact-checking didn’t persuade the mob that stormed the Capitol — nor did it dissuade millions of other supporters of the president. Fed a steady diet of repetitive falsehoods by elected officials and partisan outlets, they believed the lies so much that they were driven to violence,” they said.

    Personal accountability has never had much sustainable growth for the Democrat Party. Social media users have spent months growing frustrated over facing censorship issues for using conservative speech. This has led many to look for new social media platforms that support free speech.

    While free speech advocates like Candace Owens look to fight and file lawsuits against big tech Facebook and their ‘fact-checkers,’ others have turned to new sites such as Parler, a Twitter-like platform that supports conservative voices. However, the platform was pulled from Apple and Google app stores after allegations that they didn’t remove “threats of violence” that their users would post.

    Parler CEO John Matze called big tech companies “sick” and evil” for trying to keep his company offline and force their will upon others. He said that people are allowed to disagree with you, but can’t take vindictive action against you just for having a different opinion. Parler filed a lawsuit against Amazon Web Services for breaching their contract and violating an antitrust law that stopped hosting the site.

    While millions of dollars have been thrown at academics, foundations, and tech leaders for “censoring speech,” all attempts have failed. Adair and Napoli also talked about taking a broad approach and considering all possible solutions regarding incentives, voluntary industry reforms, education, regulations, and new laws for censoring speech. They added that Biden was in a unique moment of power to seize the fertility of the landscape now that the Republican Party has been “weakened.”

    The Democrat Party is less about censoring free speech and more about directing specific propaganda that fits their narrative. While Democrats believe in fueling the public about the terrifying consequences of disinformation, Republicans simply believe in personal accountability. Banning conservatives isn’t “fighting” hate speech, it’s about pushing for government regulation and letting big tech CEOs decide what you read or write online.