Tech Companies Are In Deep Water Over This Censored Biden Article


Facebook and Twitter sparked outrage when they recently began censoring a New York Post article on emails allegedly from Hunter Biden’s laptop. Funny how they locked the N.Y. Post Twitter account for this article but never locked the N.Y. Times Twitter account when they printed illegally accepted tax information about President Trump. 

The Post’s primary Twitter account (@nypost) has also been locked because the Hunter Biden stories violate its rules against “distribution of hacked material,” per email we received from Twitter,” said New York Post business reporter Noah Manskar. 

Manskar attached an email from Twitter claiming that the account was locked because of the lack of “authoritative reporting” in the Biden story. Facebook limited the distributions of the story and Twitter locked the ability to share the story on the platform. They prohibited users from sharing the article because the link was “potentially harmful.” What tech companies are doing is potentially harmful, not what people are sharing on their platforms. 

Sen. Josh Hawley even requested that the Twitter and Facebook CEO’s (Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg) both appear before the U.S Senate to testify on their companies’ decisions to censor the Post article. This is on Crime and Terrorism in a coming hearing titled “Digital Platforms and Election Interference.”

The letter from Sen. Hawley states that corporations are forbidden from contributing anything of value — financial or otherwise — to support the election of candidates for federal office. The letter also noted that Twitter applied these terms against the Biden story and suspended the official Donald Trump presidential campaign account for sharing the article. 

“Twitter is actively blocking, right now this instant, stories from the New York Post…on Tuesday, the Judiciary Committee, the full committee, will be voting on subpoenas to subpoena @Jack Dorsey to come before our committee,” said Sen. Ted Cruz. 

Other Judiciary Committee ranking members such as Jim Jordan and Rep. Carolyn Maloney are raising questions about free speech and fair elections. They have called an emergency meeting before the Nov. 3 election on big tech censorship and election interference.

“Facebook and Twitter censorship of American journalism is part of a broader pattern by Big Tech to selectively suppress news and silence conservative views that don’t square with their liberal agenda. This is not the American way and cannot be tolerated,” said Committee ranking member James Comer. 

Tech companies need to be held accountable for censoring information. In the middle of a pandemic and election, Facebook and Twitter are abusing their power for political gain and a left-winged agenda. Figures.