Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell Repairman Says Life Upended, Bankruptcy Looms


Since the laptop’s contents became public, the man who owned the Delaware computer repair shop where Hunter Biden left his “laptop from hell”, is now facing bankruptcy.

John Paul Mac Isaac (45) tells The New York Post that he was subject to a series of death threats following the revelations about Biden’s laptop. He also noted that a Wilmington trooper had to be present outside his Trolley Square shop.

Mac Isaac had previously revealed to Breitbart News, that Hunter Biden dropped off the computer at his shop on April 12, 2019, in order to perform a “data restoration.” However, Hunter never picked up the computer.

Breitbart News’ Mac Isaac said that he became concerned about some of the content he was seeing. The FBI was notified by Mac Isaac, who then brought the device to Rudy Guiliani, the former New York City mayor. The contents of the laptop were eventually taken by the New York Post. They published several reports about them in October 2020 as part of the 2020 campaign. Breitbart also covered the story.

The Post hears from Mac Issac that his involvement in the laptop case turned out to be so chaotic that he had his shop closed. He also noted that Mac Issac took off for Lakewood on November 5, 2020, just two days after Donald Trump’s election. According to the 45-year old, he stayed with his family for around a year and also took woodworking classes.

The Post’s Mac Isaac says he applied for unemployment December 2020. However, his unemployment cases were closed repeatedly and he had no choice but to use his 401k funds in order to pay his bills. Then he wrote a letter to Senator Chris Coons (D–DE), who is a close ally to President Joe Biden.

“I would hate it to think that I was targeted in a politically motivated attack.” According to the Post, he wrote to Coons that if a state agency was used to punish a political enemy, the country had a right to know.” He received unemployment funds shortly after the letter. However, he claims that it was only a few thousand less than what he owed.

According to the Post, Mac Isaac filed a lawsuit against Twitter for censorship of Hunter Biden’s laptop stories. Six months later, a Florida judge dismissed Mac Isaac’s case without prejudice. He ordered Mac Isaac to pay Twitter’s legal costs, which he estimates at $175,000.

He tells the Post that bankruptcy seems like his only option. He also mentions that he does odd jobs now. “A friend of mine does estate cleaning and manual labor. I did the porch renovation for a neighbor and am now trying to learn more about woodworking.

Mac Isaac also told the Post that he received an IRS bill regarding his 2016 tax return last September. He took it as a threat. Mac Isaac said that he showed the invoice to a friend of an accountant and that they don’t “go back that far” unless they are looking for something. The Post reports that he quickly paid the amount of almost $60. He said that he had witnessed the IRS’s progressive weaponization over the past decade, and decided to not contest the agency.

Mac Isaac claims that Facebook censored him on Facebook throughout 2021. He appealed this decision, according to the Post.

This former computer technician is now in unfamiliar territory. The Post reports that he has written a book about his life after the revelations from the laptop. However, he has yet to find a publisher who is willing to publish it. He says that even though his life was ruined, he would still do it.

He told the Post that if he had to do it over again, he would. “I have been raised since 9/11 to believe that if you see something, you should say it.”