Trump & Abbott Bash The Biden Administration, Emphasizes That The Border Crisis Is Sick


Former President Donald Trump recently released an Op-Ed in the Washington Times titled “I built the wall; Biden built a humanitarian catastrophe.” He talks about President Joe Biden’s attempts to purposely and systematically dismantle the nation’s defenses and invite millions of foreign migrants into the country.

Last month, border crossings were nearly 700% higher than the same time period in 2020. Biden has sabotaged the core responsibility of border security in the federal government and is leaving border states to clean up the mess. So much for “unity” and “building back better.”

Biden reversed many Trump-era immigration policies including restoring catch-and-release, breaking agreements with Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, stopping the final completion of the border wall, and announcing that anyone living in a crime-afflicted area qualifies for asylum in the states.

The Biden Administration started a program that will pay to fly illegal aliens’ relatives from other countries to join them. Trump writes that human traffickers and drug smugglers have exploited Biden’s open-border decisions and federal resources, resulting in border agents apprehending more migrants than in any prior month in recorded history. Drug seizures are also up 265% from last year.

Trump emphasized that Biden needs to restore the border security and immigration enforcement measures they put into place and complete the construction of the border wall. He said that the wall was planned, approved, paid for, and virtually done. He adds that all Biden needed to do was let the contractors finish their work, but because of the National Emergency Declaration he ordered on his first day in office, there was an immediate halt to construction and the project was sabotaged.

“A nation without borders is not a nation at all. For the sake of our country, Joe Biden must finish sealing the border immediately, or the American People must elect a Congress that will,” Trump wrote.

Trump visited the Southern border with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott this week and shared in a press conference that what the Biden Administration is doing at the border is “sick.” He warned people that a country without a strong border isn’t a country at all and asked if the Biden Administration were “truly incompetent” or just wanted open borders.

Gov. Abbott also adds that Vice President Kamala Harris is misleading the American people by talking about resolving the “root causes” in the Northern Triangle countries. He argues that illegal immigrants are pouring in from more than 150 countries across the entire globe and that the problems in the Northern Triangle countries will not fix the border crisis.

Abbott said that the only place to solve problems on the southern border is on the border and that Harris isn’t talking to Texans whose homes have been invaded and whose property has been destroyed by gangs and cartel members coming across the border.

Trump took a jab at Harris by saying that he and Abbott would be going to a “real part of the border with real problems.” This was a reference to Harris visiting El Paso last week instead of a harder-hit sector like the Rio Grande Valley Sector. She specifically pointed out that El Paso was where a number of Trump policies, like the Remain-in-Mexico policy and child separation policies, were implemented.

But hey, Harris went as far away as she could in the state of Texas to say she went to the border.