Mike Pompeo Shares Why Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield Should Be Disqualified


Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently criticized comments made by United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who claimed that slavery “weaved white supremacy into our founding documents.” Pompeo made it clear that Thomas-Greenfield should not represent the United States of America and that she does not have America’s best interests in mind.

During a virtual speech directed to the UN Human Rights Council, Thomas-Greenfield talked about the “original sin” of slavery and how these stories have shared a truth over the years that racism is not the problem of the person who experiences it. She went on to explain systemic racism in America and how fundamentally corrupt and flawed our Founding Fathers were.

Pompeo shared with “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM-N.Y that he couldn’t disagree more with what Thomas-Greenfield has said. He adds that it is a “disqualifying” feature for an ambassador who expresses moral relativism to not understand the nature of the country. He talks about how American exceptionalism is not a racist, nationalist or partisan issue.

“You see people wanting to immigrate here. You see people attracted to this shining city on the hill. To have our American ambassador to the United Nations denigrate the founding principles of the United States of America the way that she did this week is truly reprehensible.“In my view, if she truly believes that, she ought to resign and allow someone who believes in the greatness of America to take her place,” Pompeo said.

Pompeo also shared that trashing the image of America is a narrative that enemies can push, adding that it gives control to one of our greatest threats, the Chinese Communist Party. He said they can get engaged in undermining democracy and running information campaigns against us, adding that anti-American sentiment can destroy the U.S from within. “Feeding an anti-American narrative plays into the hands of Chinese President Xi Jinping,” Pompeo adds.

Thomas-Greenfield has defended her speech and said that the United States has come a long way and that she’s “very proud” of what we have been able to achieve. “I was acknowledging what is a fact in the United States. Racism does exist in this country and I think it was a powerful message. Imagine any other country doing that,” she adds.

However, even the Wall Street Journal points out that Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield is supposed to speak for American values and interests, but is mainly talking about the faults of our own country. The piece questioned whether Thomas-Greenfield even addressed race progress since the Civil War and called her the “Ambassador of Blame America First.” While she said her speech was to “acknowledge the country’s imperfections” and avoid “whitewashing our own issues,” she didn’t talk about any progress moving forward.

But even White House press secretary Jen Psaki came to Thomas-Greenfield’s defense and said President Biden is proud to have her in that position. When a reporter asked if the President agrees about “white supremacy” being in our founding documents, in which Psaki replied that “most people recognize the history of systemic racism in our country and she was speaking to that.”

As always, Democrats are sending a message of divisiveness and fear. No one ever said the United States is perfect. Even the Founding Fathers recognized that no human endeavor is perfect. The Constitution recognizes that we are a work in progress, but is now getting twisted with a socialist agenda. Thomas-Greenfield is only looking like a complete embarrassment to the American people.